
Social Structure

Thumbnail of painting of 4 children

The Graham Children

This beautiful life-size painting of four children is by William Hogarth, who also specialized in engravings such as Gin Lane. It was commissioned by Daniel Graham, a rich apothecary (pharmacist) to the royal family and to Chelsea Hospital in London.

Thumbnail of the graph of wills in Bologna

Will-making among the general populace of Bologna during 1348

The graph displays the number of wills by gender made each month in the city and countryside of Bologna during 1348 that were copied into the city notarial registers, known as the Libri Memoriali.

Thumbnail image of Codex Mendoza

Codex Mendoza

This image shows the front piece of the Codex Mendoza which is believed to have been commissioned by the first viceroy of New Spain, Don Antonio de Mendoza in the 1540 to record information about the Aztecs and their empire.

Thumbnail image of Codex Mendoza

Analyzing Images

The modules in Methods present case studies that demonstrate how scholars interpret different kinds of historical evidence in world history.